Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Sick of the Texas Legislature Day

The Lone Star Iconoclast, the only paper in Texas to endorse Kerry president writes, "It is time for a job action. Texas teachers should declare, 'I'm Sick Of The Texas Legislature' Day on Sept. 12.
Call in sick.
Stay home.
No strike, no protest."
I don't agree with the entire editorial, but seriously, the house has wasted time debating cheerleaders dance moves and has brought a telecommunications bill to the table numerous times, that would give phone companies a statewide franchise and would steal money from cities and allow them to provide whatever service wherever they wanted and deny service wherever they wanted anywhere in the state.
Pete Sessions is trying to pass a country-wide bill in the U.S. House.
What if we all called in sick on the 12th?
I think someone might get a hint that we're fed up.

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