Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Watts in 2008

I keep hearing more and more about John McCain running against Hillary in 2008. Geeze. Bush's first year of his second term isn't over yet and people are jocking for position.
I guess the West Wing was right...
Anyways, maybe I'm missing something, but why aren't more Republicans pushing for a JC Watts Presidency in 2008?
He could pull a large majority of the traditionally democratic black vote and also garner the Republican vote that led Bush to victory in 2004.
Let's start it now... Watts in 2008. Who's with me?


Anonymous said...

I've always liked Watts, but I wonder if he still has the desire to be in politics?

Mkellynotes said...

Bumper Sticker

Watts: The BRIGHT choice in 08!