Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Looking for stories

Scott Adams is looking for great stories for his Dilbert comic... I'm sure you all can come up with something...
What's bugging you about your job? Let me know and you might see it in a Dilbert comic or newsletter. The best comic fodder involves workplace peeves, devious strategies, frustrations of dealing with others, conflicting objectives, unintended management consequences, and of course my favorite - idiot bosses.
And I love True Tales of Induhviduals and true quotes.
And if you're seeing any new management trends that need to be mocked, I can help. Send your (brief) suggestions to me at:
IMPORTANT: Put "Dilbert" at the end of your subject line so my spam filter won't bounce it back.
And while you're at it, feel free to leave your stories here as well (and yes - you can do so annonymously).

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