Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Reverse-engineering passion: part 1

Every business, church or organization needs to have passion to make it work. Passion is the fire that feeds people and gives them energy to keep going. Here's a great look at what passion should look like: Reverse-engineering passion: part 1.
Kathy Sierra says there are seven ways to realize passion. And rather than focusing on one or two of them, we should always do things that help our users:
Show Off
Spend Time
Spend Money

Often we want to do the later, but not the rest.
It's easy to throw money at a project or ministry or organization, but without the rest, there is no passion.
When people leave our meetings or fellowships or use our products,
Do they want to tell everyone else about it?
Do they want to find ways to connect with others who have used the product or tried the church?
Do they go to a website or blog to learn more about us?
Do they try to feel like they've improved or know how they can be a better Christian or believer when they leave?
Are they proud to be a member or a part of the group?
Do they want to keep coming back and spending time using the product or spending time with the group?
And a big one for the church -
Do they put their money where their faith is? Or do they believe in the ministry strongly enough to open up their wallets?
Passionate people create more passionate people. Passion breads passion. And that can do nothing but strengthen a cause, a group or a belief.

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