Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Creating Passionate Users: Users don't care if you are the best.

Creating Passionate Users blogged this week about how Users don't care if you are the best.
It really had me thinking about ministry and the church and even my own work at The Belton Journal.
According to sociologists, psychologists, and cognitive scientists, people don't care how great my product or message is - they care about how great it will make them.
It makes sense. Anytime I've been in sales, I've always been trained and taught, don't sell the product, sell how the product will benefit the user.
I have a really cool cell-phone in my opinion. A Motorola V551. I love it - now that I have one that works right.
It has bluetooth technology, a still camera, video camera and all sorts of gizmos that I think belong on a cell phone.
Now if I were to show this phone to my mom, she wouldn't understand.
"Mom this phone has bluetooth, a camera, voice memo record and handsfree! Isn't that great?!"
She'd look at me like I was an idiot (well maybe not an idiot - she is my mom after all).
She wouldn't understand.
But maybe if I told her of how all these tools can benefit her, she might be interested.
"Mom, I know you love taking pictures and seeing pictures of your family - this phone lets you carry a camera with you, so you can take a picture where ever you are and then send it to any other cell phone. And if you want to save the picture to print it out later, you can use the bluetooth feature to send the picture, or video, to your computer, so you can print it out or save it to a disk."
That gives her a lot more reason to make the purchase. She now sees how the phones features will benefit her.
Just because a phone is high tech, doesn't mean it's for everyone, but now she has reason to believe, this is the phone for her.
When I share the gospel with someone, its one thing to tell them how great I am because I'm a Christian and its another thing to tell them how great their life (and eternal life) will be if they become a Christian.
Share how being a Christian has benefited you and how it will benefit them as well.

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