Thursday, March 16, 2006

Willie for Kinky radio ads

Kinky and Willie Nelson discuss renewable energy on Willie's biodiesel-powered bus. Photo by Brian Kanof.
Willie Nelson has given his voice for run for governor.
The Texas music legend recorded a 60-second spot for Kinky pushing "clean energy and clean government."
From :
The idea that Texans (and Americans in general) should be getting its energy from renewable, stable sources, has been a Kinky campaign theme since the beginning.
“Renewable energy stabilizes prices, creates jobs, reduces pollution – and will bring us new revenue sources that can go directly to our schools,” Kinky says. “But our leaders continue to support reliance on dwindling fossil fuels instead of investment in renewable, sustainable technologies. Texas buys more energy than it makes. Why aren’t our leaders investing in Texas?”
The ad is scheduled to run on more than 150 radio stations between now and the May 11 deadline for Kinky to get over 45,000 signatures to be placed on the November ballot.
“With a little imagination, Texas can lead the nation into energy independence,” Nelson says in the ad. “I support Kinky Friedman and I support biodiesel fuel, because they can give us the two things we desperately need in Texas: clean energy and clean government.”
Many have commented that this may take Kinky away from his "one-liner" campaign and start showing Texans more on the issues he's concerned about.
Listen to the ad

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