Sitting at Tom's funeral today brought one thought and one song through my mind the entire service. Grace. Tom was moved and changed by grace. I hope and pray that I continue to be. Christ came to save the world, not condemn it.
I had not heard this story, but when Paul and Tim (Tom's eldest sons) where young they got in trouble for something, but neither one would confess to who did the crime. After some time passed, Tom stopped. Took off his shirt. Took off his undershirt. Took off his belt and handed it to Paul. He told Tim to get another one. He started to bend over and told his sons to whip him with the belt. "Someone has to take the punishment for this sin. If neither of you will, I will."
What a perfect picture of grace and Christ's sacrifice. Taking the punishment of our sin upon himself so that we don't have to. "Grace keeps giving me things I don't deserve Mercy keeps withholding things I do" - Wayne Watson
Grace by U2
Grace, she takes the blame
She covers the shame
Removes the stain
It could be her name
Grace, it's the name for a girl
It's also a thought that changed the world
And when she walks on the street
You can hear the strings
Grace finds goodness in everything
Grace, she's got the walk
Not on a ramp or on chalk
She's got the time to talk
She travels outside of karma
She travels outside of karma
When she goes to work
You can hear her strings
Grace finds beauty in everything
Grace, she carries a world on her hips
No champagne flute for her lips
No twirls or skips between her fingertips
She carries a pearl in perfect condition
What once was hurt
What once was friction
What left a mark
No longer stings
Because Grace makes beauty
Out of ugly things
Grace makes beauty out of ugly things
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