Wednesday, March 29, 2006

ASCI around the house

43 folders found an old ASCI file, with helpful tips for around the house.
The file comes from an old BBS. Remember those? Pre-internet. I remember spending hours surfing various BBS's in the Dallas area on my 24k dail-up.
Oh the memories.
  • A Tea Party for Windows - Leftover tea makes a super window and mirror cleaner--the stronger the tea the better.
  • Silence! - A squeaky floor is usually caused by two or more boards rubbing against each other. Silence the noise by sprinkling talcum powder over the boards and sweeping it into the cracks.
  • Make Your Own Cleaner - Here's a homemade formula for window cleaner that cleans away stubborn spots. Mix two cups of kerosene into a gallon of warm water. When you wipe the glass, the kerosene leaves an invisible film.
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