Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Liberal biased left-wing Republican backed big business media

DMN columnist Steve Blow talks about the media's bias today in his column. Be sure to read it. It seems as though it doesn't matter which side of the aisle you're on, it seems everyone wants to believe the media is out to get them - and it's a little far-fetched at times.
I was startled the other day to realize: I'm a Jew. And a Gypsy. An Irish immigrant. A lawyer, too.
Granted, I haven't taken nearly as much grief as those others. But like all of them before, it's now my turn to be a scapegoat. A whipping boy. A convenient enemy.
You see, I'm a member of the hated mainstream media.
Now, if the term "mainstream media" doesn't automatically make your lip curl, then you haven't been indoctrinated by the political fringes. But trust me, it's no compliment to be "mainstream" these days.

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