Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Free iPods

Still looking for a couple people to sign up and get a free iPod...
In case you're unsure, here's an clip from an article in the industry mag - Wired:
Unless you're extremely gullible, the promise of getting a free iPod from looks extremely dubious.
But surprisingly, the site appears to be legitimate. The program almost certainly isn't a dodgy pyramid scheme; it's a new form of online marketing supported by companies like eBay, AOL and Columbia House.
And while lots of happy customers are popping up all over the internet brandishing new iPods, analysts are skeptical of the economics.
Click here to sign up for the free iPod. All you have to do is sign up, complete one of the offers and get five friends to do the same.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

im writting this cause i need 4 people to complete an offer so i may be able to get this, pls pls pls help me out, if u dont want too could u pass it on to friends that may..i went for columbia house and it was only 9 bucks for 5 movies and thats not a bad deal, i could have cancelled before soo but i didnt... pls pls help me out i dont want my work to be lost pls help me out