We made it 14.7 miles b4 my feet and legs gave out. I need new shoes and a little more training and then im going the distance
Mobile Email from a Cingular Wireless Customer http://www.cingular.com
Archives for stranger in a strange land (jan 2004 - feb 2007)
read the latest at casadeblundell.com/jonathan
We made it 14.7 miles b4 my feet and legs gave out. I need new shoes and a little more training and then im going the distance
Mobile Email from a Cingular Wireless Customer http://www.cingular.com
How to kill time at Wal-mart, 15 Things to do at Wal-Mart while your
spouse/partner is taking their sweet time:
1. Get 24 boxes of condoms and randomly put them in people's carts when they
aren't looking.
2. Set all the alarm clocks in Housewares to go off at 5-minute intervals.
3. Make a trail of tomato juice on the floor leading to the rest rooms.
4. Walk up to an employee and tell him/her in an official tone, 'Code 3' in
housewares..... and see what happens.
5. Go the Service Desk and ask to put a bag of M&M's on lay away.
6. Move a 'CAUTION - WET FLOOR' sign to a carpeted area.
7. Set up a tent in the
camping department and tell other shoppers you'll invite them in if they'll
bring pillows from the bedding department.
8. When a clerk asks if they can help you, begin to cry and ask 'Why can't
you people just leave me alone?'
9. Look right into the security camera; use it as a mirror, and pick your
10. While handling guns in the hunting department, ask the clerk if he knows
where the anti-depressants are.
11. Dart around the store suspiciously loudly humming the "Mission
12. In the auto department, practice your "Madonna look" using different
size funnels.
13. Hide in a clothing rack and when people browse through, say "PICK ME!
14. When an announcement comes over the loud speaker, assume the fetal
position and scream "NO! NO! It's those voices again!!!!"
And last but not least!)
15. Go into a fitting room and shut the door and wait a while; and, then,
yell, very loudly, "There is no toilet paper in here!"
As gas prices near the $3 mark, some communities are keeping their money away from the gas tank and boycotting one of the nation’s largest gas companies.This sounds like an e-mail I've seen floating around for a couple years now. Does he really think it will work? My favorite is people who ask for a boycott of gas on one particular date. Sure that will work - Ha. It just means people will buy more gas the day before or the day after.
Bee County judge Jimmy Martinez is asking for a boycott and has pushed a major county resolution encouraging citizens of Beeville, about 90 miles Southeast of San Antonio, to not get their fuel at Exxon-Mobil stations.
February 7, 2006
Dear Friends and Family,
As I start to type this letter, I look over a letter my sister Kara wrote exactly one year ago today, preparing to go to China. To think about the changes in her, myself and our family over the last year is overwhelming. I never would have imagined the struggles our family went through in 2005 and the joys and peace that we found in knowing God and knowing He remains sovereign and in control of our lives.
It was also roughly this time last year that I began working with the Christian Wrestling Federation.
As a ring announcer and “Commissioner” for the CWF over the last year, I’ve had the privilege to be part of a ministry that is starting its sixth year of ministry this year and has witnessed over 5,000 people come to know Christ. 2005 proved to be a year of renewal for the ministry as we began to feel God working and possibly leading us to full-time ministry in 2007. The CWF hopes to bring the lost to hear the same Gospel message that’s been repeated for 2000 years, in a very unlikely setting – a wrestling ring.
It’s a message of love for all mankind and a message that we as Christians have been asked to share to our Jerusalem, our Judea and the rest of the world.
I’m excited to say that this year the CWF has been invited to take that message outside of our comfort zone and into to Jos, Nigeria. We are planning to spend the first two weeks of October in the most populous country in Africa and one of the poorest countries in the world.
We are excited to spend time ministering to the predominantly Muslim population with our CWF shows across Nigeria, as well as working with a team from Lake Point Church in Rockwall, who will lead our visits to orphanages where we will help with sports camps and medical missions.
I ask that you will join us in urgent prayer this year as we prepare for our journey. Pray that logistically things will be taken care of. I can’t begin to imagine the work that will go into securing soccer stadiums and arrangements to bring a wrestling show to Nigeria. Please pray that the people of Nigeria will see that we are just ordinary men, but that we’ve been with Jesus (Acts 4:13). Pray that they will see the difference in our lives, which only Christ can bring about. Pray that God will begin to work now in the lives of those we will meet as well as our own individual lives. Pray that each of us will be prepared to share the hope we have whenever we are called upon.
I would also ask that you pray about giving financially to our trip. You can contribute directly to my account, or make a donation to the entire group.
If you feel led to support us financially, you may give a one-time gift or make monthly payments between now and October. A small thank you reminder and a self-addressed stamped envelope will be sent monthly, if you so choose.
Thank you for your time and may God continue to shine His face upon you.
In Christ,
Jonathan Blundell
I just got caught up on my Must See TV for the week. It was late and I should have been sleeping, but I needed to unwind. I watched tonights Daily Show, along with tuesday's Scrubs and Teachers. I noticed a recurring theme in each of the shows. People make mistakes. Sometimes its a misscommunication Sometimes its a matter of poor judgement. And sometimes its a matter of life or death.
Today I got free tickets to the Rangers game. Luckily I got to take the afternoon off and enjoy Americas past time with some friends. Unfortunately it was last minute and with the cool weather I didn't think to wear sunscreen Now my arms are paying for my mistake.
The point is, theres always a payment or consequence for mistakes.
It might mean you have to run a correction in the paper. You might have to suffer through a sunburn. Or you might have to swallow your pride and admit you were wrong.
Even in the grand scheme of life theres a punishment for our mistakes or sins.
For the wages of sin is death. - romans 5:8
That sucks. The ultimate punishment.
Even in the Jewish (and others) faith there was/is a punishment for sin. But thank goodness for grace and the rest of the verse.
... But the gift of God is eternal life.
I'm so glad its a gift and not something I have to earn. Because watching those shows tonight and thinking about my own life, I'm quite certain no one would ever be good enough to earn something like eternal life from a perfect God, who demands perfection.
Oh and theres one more part to the verse.
...through Jesus Christ our Lord.
That's the only way you can get the gift. Jesus is the only one who can give it to you. And He wants to. He's offering it to you right now. All you have to do is accept.
''grace. Its a name for a girl. Its also a thought that changed the world''
President Bush on Wednesday named conservative commentator Tony Snow as White House press secretary, putting a new face on a troubled administration.If Bush picks a Fox News Commentator to speak for his White House, what does that say about media bias?
Snow, a Fox news pundit and former speechwriter in the White House under Bush's father, replaced Scott McClellan who resigned in a personnel shuffle intended to re-energize the White House and lift the president's record-low approval ratings.
"My job is to make decisions and his job is to help explain those decisions to the press corps and the American people," Bush said, with Snow and McClellan at his side in the White House briefing room.
Hopefully you were one of the many loyal fans who came out to see the spring leg of the Wherever You Are Tour! If you were, you probably saw the movie trailer to “Invisible Children: Rough Cut” that has inspired us to reach out to the community of Gulu, Uganda to bring aid, awareness and resolve to the conflict in which children are abducted from their homes, strapped with machine guns and machetes and forced to fight in the rebel army (LRA).
This Saturday, April 29th, over 37,000 people across the US are taking part in the Global Night Commute, a worldwide event organized by the Invisible Children, Inc. organization, that will involve the trek of thousands of men, women and children from around the world into major cities where they will mimic the nightly commute of the Ugandan children by marching en masse from one point to another and sleeping at their final destination for the entire night. The goal of the movement is to raise awareness and ultimately end Africa’s longest running conflict by facilitating a change in the policies of the US government in regard to the situation.
We hope you will join the thousands who have committed to take part in the Global Night Commute! Check out www.InvisibleChildren.com for more information and to sign up for the commute in your city!
Also, check out our new Advocacy page at ThirdDay.com that tells about World Vision, Blood:Water Mission, Hands In Service, The ONE Campaign and several other organizations who are hard at work to serve the poor, the orphans and the widows in Uganda and other parts of Africa.
The World Affairs Council of Dallas/Fort Worth will present Bono, lead singer of Irish Rock Band U2, activist and co-founder of DATA (Debt, AIDS, Trade, Africa), on Friday, May 5 at 7:30 p.m. at the Music Hall at Fair Park. This TIME Magazine Person of the Year in 2005 has used his celebrity worldwide to influence the powerful to the benefit of the poor. Bono will speak on his work to bring attention and resources to the fight against global AIDS and poverty in Africa.
Lifepoint is a new church in Red Oak, TX. It is the point of our life to treasure Christ above all things. We are here to inspire loving relationships with God and to create loving relationships with others. Lifepoint understands it's purpose is to participate in God's mission by loving and serving others in His name.More from their website:
Join us on a Sunday morning real soon! Here's what you need to know:
@ 9:30a we dig into the Bible. Each week we will read and discuss one chapter. If you have a Bible, bring it...if not, we'll have one for you!
@ 10:30a you have a couple of options: (1) grab another cup of coffee and catch up with some of your Lifepoint friends (or meet some new ones!) (2) Join our worship band for pre-service-worship for a more intimate time to meet with God before the full service starts. Normally, this time will include some songs, scripture reading, and meditation and prayer.
@ 11:00a we begin our Worship Service. Join us for refreshing and meaningful worship and an inspiring message from scripture.
There are several other informal gatherings that happen throughout the week for worship and fellowship. Please email us or call (469)955-2968 to find out when and where to be!
Perhaps giveaway will prove anti-Wright pointAnother thought on the issue:
Wouldn't it be odd if American Airlines' ticket giveaway highlighted how bad the Wright amendment is for travel?
Your story touted that people receiving the free tickets will be able to travel anywhere American flies from Dallas Love Field. They might be very frustrated to find that means only Kansas City, St. Louis and a few cities in Texas because of Wright.
Maybe American Airlines inadvertently will encourage repeal of the "Wrong amendment" with this promotion.
Stefan Koziolek, Dallas
I'm no fan of American or D/FW Airport
Re: "Mavs fans score air tickets," Thursday Business.
American Airlines passes out tickets at a Mavs game for Love Field? Disingenuous.
American trying to promote Love Field? Hypocrisy.
Bottom line? People who live east of Dallas, in the eastern and northern parts of Dallas and most of the rest of the metro area don't want to use Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport – not just because of distance but because it is possibly one of the worst U.S. airports.
When I am forced to fly American, I am always amazed by the lack of service and the employees' arrogance, not to mention the price gouging.
Nobody wanted D/FW Airport except for people who live in the western suburbs of Dallas, including the big suburb of Fort Worth. It's Amon Carter's revenge and a folly for North Texas.
Rob Lofland, Lindale
Churches, like any large voluntary organization, have at their core a contradiction. In order to attract newcomers, they must have low barriers to entry. They must be unintimidating, friendly, and compatible with the culture they are a part of. In order to retain their membership, however, they need to have an identity distinct from that culture. They need to give their followers a sense of community—and community, exclusivity, a distinct identity are all, inevitably, casualties of growth. As an economist would say, the bigger an organization becomes, the greater a free-rider problem it has. If I go to a church with five hundred members, in a magnificent cathedral, with spectacular services and music, why should I volunteer or donate any substantial share of my money? What kind of peer pressure is there in a congregation that large? If the barriers to entry become too low—and the ties among members become increasingly tenuous—then a church as it grows bigger becomes weaker.
One solution to the problem is simply not to grow, and, historically, churches have sacrificed size for community. But there is another approach: to create a church out of a network of lots of little church cells—exclusive, tightly knit groups of six or seven who meet in one another's homes during the week to worship and pray. The small group as an instrument of community is initially how Communism spread, and in the postwar years Alcoholics Anonymous and its twelve-step progeny perfected the small-group technique. The small group did not have a designated leader who stood at the front of the room. Members sat in a circle. The focus was on discussion and interaction—not one person teaching and the others listening—and the remarkable thing about these groups was their power. An alcoholic could lose his job and his family, he could be hospitalized, he could be warned by half a dozen doctors—and go on drinking. But put him in a room of his peers once a week—make him share the burdens of others and have his burdens shared by others—and he could do something that once seemed impossible.
When churches—in particular, the megachurches that became the engine of the evangelical movement, in the nineteen-seventies and eighties—began to adopt the cellular model, they found out the same thing. The small group was an extraordinary vehicle of commitment. It was personal and flexible. It cost nothing. It was convenient, and every worshipper was able to find a small group that precisely matched his or her interests. Today, at least forty million Americans are in a religiously based small group, and the growing ranks of small-group membership have caused a profound shift in the nature of the American religious experience."
As I see it, one of the most unfortunate misunderstandings of our time has been to think of small intentional communities as groups 'within' the church," the philosopher Dick Westley writes in one of the many books celebrating the rise of small-group power. "When are we going to have the courage to publicly proclaim what everyone with any experience with small groups has known all along: they are not organizations 'within' the church; they are church.
That's right....everyone wear yellow shirts and bring the followingMost of the Dallas group is meeting at SMU and walking from there to the church on Northwest Highway. Phil and I are still planning on walking from Waxahachie, but we will likely jump the DART rail at Ledbetter since the site is further away. Right now we're planning on leaving between 10 a.m. and noon on Saturday. Let us know if you want to join us, we'll be glad to have your company.
1. You and every person you know
2. A pillow and sleeping bag
3. Wear a YELLOW T-shirt
4. Pen and paper and sharpie
5. Art supplies to draw pictures for the Ugandan children
6. Snacks for the morning
7. You and every person you know
Eastern European immigrants are an 'elixir' for Britain's economy, easing inflation, boosting output and raising tax revenue, according to a study.
The latest official figures show that net migration to Britain hit 223,000 people in 2004 with beneficial effects for the British economy, according to the Ernst and Young Item Club, published in British newspapers.
Most of them came from the new eastern member states of the European Union, which allows them to come and work freely in Britain.
"The diesel engine can be fed with vegetable oils and would help considerably in the development of agriculture of the countries which use it"According to Wikipedia, used vegetable oil costs on average 40 cents a gallon. Boy I'd love to fill up on that today.
"The use of vegetable oils for engine fuels may seem insignificant today. But such oils may become in course of time as important as petroleum and the coal tar products of the present time."
Rudolf Diesel 1911 (inventor of the diesel engine)
We have collected more than 500,000 postcards to send to the White House!
That's right – over half a million postcards calling on the president to take further action on behalf of the suffering people of Darfur.
Thank you for everything you have done so far. Now, can you keep the pressure on? We're just nine days away from the historic Rally to Stop Genocide in Washington, D.C.
Click here to download postcards that you can print out and have friends, family and neighbors sign. Then send them back to us (the mailing address is on the card) before the April 30 Rally to Stop Genocide.
Or you can click here to use the online tell-a-friend form.
We know that Darfur is on President Bush's mind. Just yesterday in an appearance with President Jintao of China, President Bush again raised the issue of the genocide in Darfur.
Now is the right time to demonstrate to President Bush that the will exists to stop this genocide. Just think, if just half of the people on our list get 20 friends, family members and neighbors to sign postcards, we'd have over a million messages to President Bush.
We can't wait to announce that we have ONE MILLION VOICES FOR DARFUR. We need your help to get there.
David Rubenstein
Save Darfur Coalition
You scored as Emergent/Postmodern. You are Emergent/Postmodern in your theology. You feel alienated from older forms of church, you don't think they connect to modern culture very well. No one knows the whole truth about God, and we have much to learn from each other, and so learning takes place in dialogue. Evangelism should take place in relationships rather than through crusades and altar-calls. People are interested in spirituality and want to ask questions, so the church should help them to do this.
What's your theological worldview? created with QuizFarm.com |
White House press secretary Scott McClellan said Wednesday he is resigning, continuing a shakeup in President Bush's administration that has already yielded a new chief of staff and could lead to a change in the Cabinet.Does this mean he's headed back to Texas to work on his mom's campaign?
White House Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove is giving up his policy portfolio and press secretary Scott McClellan is resigning, continuing a shakeup in President Bush's administration that has already yielded a new chief of staff.
A senior administration official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the president had not yet made the announcement, said Wednesday that Rove is giving up oversight of policy development to focus more on politics with the approach of the fall midterm elections.
And the Democrats keep fighting against drilling off of our coasts and in the frozen tundra of Alaska.
This is a letter of mine that my daughter put on her blog.Any thoughts?
As a mother, teacher, artist, and citizen I feel very strongly about this issue. Would you be comfortable passing it along? You could present it with a full disclaimer so you don't have to take any heat from it.
If this makes you uncomfortable in any way, please know that I am WAY OK with you refusing to do it. I have other ways of getting the message out.
In case you can't open the attachment, I'm including the letter in the body of this email below.
An Open Letter:
Estos palabras de mi corazon son para mis mijas y mijos,
These word from my heart are for my daughters and sons, of all races, all countries of origin, all socio-economic groups, and all cities in all states who protested the new laws about illegal immigration, I am so proud of you. In your youthful enthusiasm, idealism and courage, you did what “We The People” have forgotten how to do. Like the forefathers of our forefathers, you protested.
By the thousands, in high spirits with endless possibilities shining in your eyes, you made the pilgrimage to City Hall. You know that this country is the land of milk and honey, the place where dreams come true. Your parents brought you here, mostly at great risk to themselves, knowing that if you are born in this country , if you are willing to work hard enough can make a good lives for yourselves. As soon as you were old enough to understand they told you, “Get an education in this country, my love, and the future can belong to you.”
Your parents have worked hard ever since they entered this country. They have done whatever they had to to keep you healthy, fed and in school. Sometimes that means you don’t see them often; sometimes that means you have to grow up too fast and do the things they would do if they only had more time at home.
In History and Civics classes you learned what the spirit of this country is all about, and that was inspiring. Though you may be young, you already have learned the lesson that in many places in our world, there are no inalienable rights. Speaking one’s heart may be rewarded with torture, jail or death. There is no right to congregate or bear arms. Anyone seen in the streets after curfew can be shot. There is very little health care, education, programs to provide food for the needy. In an economy where the needy serve as the foundation upon which the country operates, there are simply too many for whom to provide. You read about the Tea Party held in Boston and you were excited. You read about the protests in the 60’s, the sit ins and marches that erased forever the notion that this country was only for a certain few. And perhaps you thought, “If ever I saw injustice, that’s what I would do.”
And then injustice invited itself right into your home and sat right down with your family as if it had the right to participate in your goals and dreams. This government is trying to pass laws that will affect your family and your future without even consulting you - without even understanding your situation. Your parents may be legal or illegal aliens, but you are citizens. And in this country citizens have rights.
So you came by the thousands to protest without weapons or fists, just your amiable willingness to engage in dialog.
In the news I heard about the principals of your schools punishing you by eliminating prom. Freedom is never achieved without consequences. And it is those consequences that make it such a sweet reward. But I believe we missed a huge opportunity to show you the importance we place on the traditions that in the past won for us our taken-for-granted freedoms. The consequences could have been that you were charged to create art, poetry, drama, and music about this dilemma. You could have been taught a universal socially acceptable voice.
We have forgotten that our country was built on the right to protest. How have we have come to regard protesters as fringe lunatics?
We are so comfortable in the illusions we have built on credit so we can appear like we belong to the ruling class, that we have forgotten to keep our eye on the ruling class.
If protest were part of our active vocabulary of responses to governmental interference with our inalienable rights, we would have turned out en masse the day after George Bush, Jr. won by thievery his first presidential election. We would have raised our voices and let them know that we won’t tolerate any more funny business. No Nepotism. No hanging chads. No Polling improprieties.
If we weren’t afraid of awakening out of our sleepwalk, we’d protest. But we seem to have forgotten that if we are subjected to no shrill actions, then we are merely reciting out of our hypnotic trance.
If we weren’t logey with excess, we’d have noticed by now that what we thought was merely the nibbling of mice at our core values and rights, is really the work of large deforestation equipment. We turn over in our complacency and pull up the cozy covers while our standing in the world community goes into the wood chipper, piece by piece.
If we weren’t so self absorbed, we might wrest our gaze from the mirrors and looked out the window, noticing that the mountain tops are being lopped off and the rivers are running red with the blood of our mother earth. The glaciers are melting. Our four legged brothers and sisters are fleeing their homes only to find that there is no where to go. With out knowing which species hold the cures for cancer, Alzheimer’s, AID’s and other human health maladies, we stand by and even invite industry to decimate scores of species a day. A DAY! All so we can hold in our sweaty grasp a fistful of freshly minted, newly designed dollars.
We are distanced from the ones who speak out.
We think of ourselves as too fragile and sensitive to bear the truth.
We don’t even vote. Is that apathy or what?
I want you to know how much I admire your action. You will make great citizens and I hope in the coming weeks we respond to your protest in ways that encourage you. We need your fresh perspective and your passion.
Write poems and songs about your families that came here for better lives. Paint you ideals in oils and acrylics and hang them on our walls so all may have the privilege of seeing the world through your eyes. Write and perform plays about how the government of this country sometimes looks frighteningly like the ones your parents fled. Show us, please, with your idealism and enthusiasm, what we no longer have the innocence and objectivity to perceive. Make us angry; make us feel guilty; make us remember what it feels like to be alive and belong to the family of man.
1. U2 - One. "One life, with each other, sisters, brothers."
2. The Smiths - How Soon is Now? "So you go, and you stand on your own, and you leave on your own, and you go home, and you cry, and you want to die."
3. Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit. "I feel stupid and contagious, here we are now, entertain us."
4. Bob Marley - Redemption Song. "Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds, have no fear for atomic energy, 'cause none of them can stop the time."
5. Coldplay - Yellow. "Look at the stars, look how they shine for you."
Traditional party identification labels of "conservative" and "liberal" are antiquated, and don't fully represent students.They said that the majority of college students define themselves as independents rather than the traditional Republican or Democrat. Students also tend to buck traditional liberal or conservative labels, looking more at right vs. wrong.
Religion is important in the lives of college students, but Republicans and Democrats may never agree on the role of religion in politics today.Seventy percent of the students felt religion was important to them.
Morality playing a strong role in students' political views.On the issues of right and wrong, Republican students tend to be focused on three major issues, abortion, stem cell research and gay marriage. But the study found many are also concerned about the moral issues with the Katrina response.
(The survey) finds seven out of ten of America's college students believe that religion is somewhat or very important in their lives, but they are sharply divided "along party lines" over how strong a role religion should play in politics and government today. Despite these differences, more than half of students agree they are concerned about the moral direction of the country. While a majority believes hot-button issues like abortion policy, gay marriage and stem cell research are issues of morality, many also agree that the Government's response to Hurricane Katrina, education policy and Iraq war policy are also questions of morality.Some other information the study found was:
Both Democrats and Republicans agree on their concern over the country's moral direction, but students are generally optimistic about our country's future. College students continue to support a more multilateral U.S. foreign affairs stance and are conflicted over unilateral action to prevent nuclear weapons development, including in Iran. More than seven in ten students believe the United States should withdraw some or all U.S. troops from Iraq. Potential 2008 Clinton-McCain presidential matchup is a dead heat on campuses. President Bush's approval rating still dropping, as students continue to feel the country is on the wrong track. A majority of students trust our government's ability to correctly choose which phone calls and e-mails to monitor, but they are still generally unwilling to allow it.
Here's the latest:
Sorry for the delay in sending updates, but my time on the PC has been limited the past several days! However, I did want to take the time to let you know that my sister is continuing to get better and should be released from the hospital soon....The doctors have yet to come up with a definete explanation as to what happened, but all her tests continue to come back normal! She finally regained her consciousness sometime on Wednesday and is now doing things on her own again, such as eating, walking, and going to the restroom! Praise God for her continual and speedy recovery.....At this point the best prognosis the doctors can give is that she had a massive seizure that was brought on as a result of the stress, shock and head trauma from her accident as well as the recent loss of her best friend to cancer!! There is some speculation right now that my sister may have epilepsy, which is treatable and controllable with proper medication....She will be be visiting the nuerologist regularly to have her brain scanned and tested so they can try and figure out what exactly is wrong with her! Thanks so much to each of you for your love, support, and prayers.....It overwhelms me to think of the number of people praying, even people I don't even know! So, for what it's worth, THANK YOU!
A lot of thoughts have been rolling through my head the past few days and I've been wrapped up on the "goodness" of God! Our God is infinetely GOOD, and never for a moment does he cease being a GOOD God! Bad things happen, terrible things, and things don't make sense or seem fair to us! At any moment, at any place in the world there is suffering, pain, and loss happening! When our mind and our hearts get fixed on the "bad" things of this world, GOD IS still GOOD.....Weather there is pain or suffering or life and healing, GOD IS GOOD....
Much Love to all of you and may you be overwhelmed by the goodness of our great God
Good FridayGrace, it's a name for a girl. It's also a thought that changed the world.
Since it's Good Friday I thought I'd share a devotional thought:
Did Peter feel a twinge of guilt every time he heard a rooster crow?
There is a poignant scene right after Peter denied Christ. A rooster crows. And Luke 22:61 says, "At that moment, the Lord turned and looked at Peter." I don't think it was a vindictive look. I think Jesus wanted to establish eye contact to maintain relationship with Peter, but Peter went out and "wept bitterly."
You know how certain sights or sounds or smells can trigger a memory? I’ve got to think that every time Peter heard a rooster crow he winced. It was a daily reminder of his failure. He was haunted by three denials.
Peter gets a bum rap. He is forever remembered as the disciple who denied Christ three times, but we forget the fact that he is the only one who got close enough to get caught. Peter is the disciple who sinks in the Sea of Galilee, but he is also the only disciple who walks on water! And Peter is the disciple who impulsively cut off Malchus' ear when the religious leaders come to arrest Jesus. But I don’t see any of the other disciples coming to Jesus' defense do you?
Lack of Evidence
All four gospels tell the story of Peter cutting off the right ear of Malchus, a servant of the high priest. Luke 22:51 says that Jesus "touched the man's ear and healed him."
Let me state the obvious: you don't cut off someone's ear and get by with it, especially if that someone is the High Priest's servant. Worst case scenario: Peter gets charged with attempted murder. Best case scenario: Peter gets charged with assault and battery with a deadly weapon.
We tend to overlook this subplot, but Peter is in a world of trouble!
Then Jesus intervenes.
Somehow he reverses the irreversible. He reattaches the amputated ear. But he does more than heal this man's ear. I love the way my friend and mentor, Dick Foth, puts it: "Jesus destroys the evidence against us."
Stop and think about it.
Malchus files a civil suit against Peter and takes the witness stand. He says, "Peter cut off my ear." The Judge says, "Which ear?" Malchus says, "My right one." The Judge says, "It looks fine to me." And the case gets thrown out of court for lack of evidence!
This isn't just a story about Jesus and Peter and Malchus. It's a picture of what Christ accomplished on the Christ. He destroyed the evidence against us. It's like the Accuser of the Brethren brings charges against us, but the Judge says, "The evidence has been destroyed." And the charges are dropped.
That's why it's called Good Friday.
AUSTIN – Gov. Rick Perry had very different messages about federal spending in recent appearances before two very different groups.
To Senate budget writers in Washington, he pleaded for $2 billion to compensate the state for hurricane relief.
Four days later, Mr. Perry drew cheers from a Republican gathering in Tennessee when he lambasted big-spending government where "deficits explode, entitlement programs take over."
His appearances point up the dual strategies of a governor who insists he's focused on Texas as he approaches re-election while allies work to burnish his national credentials as a potential vice presidential nominee.
The out-of-state events not only have heightened his profile but they also have created behind-the-scenes tension with Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison's backers. They see her as a more likely choice for vice president on a GOP ticket in 2008.
I was startled the other day to realize: I'm a Jew. And a Gypsy. An Irish immigrant. A lawyer, too.
Granted, I haven't taken nearly as much grief as those others. But like all of them before, it's now my turn to be a scapegoat. A whipping boy. A convenient enemy.
You see, I'm a member of the hated mainstream media.
Now, if the term "mainstream media" doesn't automatically make your lip curl, then you haven't been indoctrinated by the political fringes. But trust me, it's no compliment to be "mainstream" these days.
PLEASE READ!As a reminder, Phil and I will be making the walk from Waxahachie that day, so anyone who wants to join us, come along. We'd love to have your company.
There have been MANY of you asking us about the location.
Here's the deal. We have a location but we can't tell you where it is until we have the permit in our hands. The city has been very dificult to work with in this situation.
I can tell you that it is in downtown Dallas in a very safe part of the town and for those of you who are concerned with safety, we're most likely going to get courtesy officers to watch out for the group.
We've also gotten a lot of people (parents) asking about this and my responce to you all is COME TOO!!! This is by no means solely for young adults and teenagers.
We want everyone there from toddlers to senior citizens.
If you have any further questions or comments, please send us a message or call the offices in San Diego, the number is on the invisible children website
Also, you HAVE to sign up online. It's crucial you do this so that the government can see the numbers and know how many of us care about this.
Thanks and God Bless
def. A sense of remorse for bringing people to your blog or website through search engines under false pretenses.So what does that mean?
First, I like to use common phrases to title my posts, or at least I did the first 12-18 months of this blog. I think the technical word for this may be pun. Here's a sampling...I'd love to just post the whole entry here, but then U2 wouldn't be able to read it from Brian himself.
I wanna be just like you
My post is the first result on Google, above the actual song on Amazon. The subject is A-List bloggers.
More love, more power
A song title that seemed like a brilliant phrase for a post about power outages.
Face it girls, I'm older and have more insurance
Not the title, but still the first result on Google if you're looking for the line from Fried Green Tomatoes. The subject of the post? The 2004 Republican Convention.
First let me say that I am overwlemed at the number of people praying for Dayna....Words can not express what that means to me and what it is doing for my sister! So thanks SO much to each of you for your love and prayers!--
Alright, so the GOOD news is....and I do mean GOOD!!! There is no internal bleeding in her brain and there is no brain hemraging, which is unbelievable since the original speculation was almost certain that is what it was happening! She has been in the hospital since 12 noon yesterday and has not yet awoken from her sleep/dream state...The doctors have not been able to say for sure what is going on, and they are waiting to perform some more extensive tests on her brain! All of her vitals appear to be normal and she is breathing on her own, so she is not in a coma!
However, last night she developed a fever and the doctors have been running tests as think she might possibly have some form of meningitis....
I guess at this point there are just a lot of unanswered questions, and nobody seems to know for sure what is wrong with her! I would ask that you pray for the medical staff as we have had some difficulties getting them to give her the proper treatment and care that she needs!
Things are definetly looking better at this point, but we must never stop praying! Thanks again for your love and support, I am truly amazed and blessed by each of you!
I will continue to send more updates as I find out more!
The inspiration for this subject line didn't come from Pollyanna. It came from the late Senator Paul Simon. After reflecting on the genocide in Rwanda, he said: "If every member of the House and Senate had received 100 letters from people back home saying we have to do something about Rwanda, when the crisis was first developing, then I think the response would have been different."
That's a powerful statement. It means that we had the power to stop the genocide in Rwanda, but that too many of us chose not to act. It also means that we have the power now to stop the genocide in Darfur if we do choose to act.
Send a letter - Join the Million Voices for Darfur CampaignSojourners is teaming up with our good friends at the Save Darfur Coalition and nearly 100 organizations to gather 1 million signatures on postcards. These postcards and their messages will be sent to President Bush, urging him to take action. After you're done signing, you will have the opportunity to spread the word to your friends. Gathering 1 million signatures is as simple as you passing the alert to 10 people, who each send to 10 people, and so on.
Since the beginning of the conflict in Darfur, an estimated 400,000 people have been killed and more than 2 million people have been displaced. The world has watched silently. Paul Rusesabagina, whose life and experience with the 1994 genocide in Rwanda was portrayed in the movie Hotel Rwanda, put it this way: "A detachment of well-equipped peacekeepers, made up of less than one-twentieth of the American troops now stationed in Iraq, could have easily stopped the killings without risk" (emphasis added). In short, we are asking President Bush to give real meaning to the words, "Never Again."
Take Action - Join the Million Voices for Darfur Campaign
In addition to joining the Million Voices for Darfur campaign, we invite you to come to Washington, D.C., for a rally on April 30 to demand that we use our resources to end the genocide in Darfur. In addition to the rally, the Save Darfur Coalition is sponsoring lobby days on April 28 and May 1, so we encourage you to come early or stay late!
Click here for more information about the Rally to Stop Genocide
Thank you for using your voice. We believe that with God's grace working in and through us, we can end this genocide.
The Sojourners Organizing Team
Adam, Matt, Christa, and Nadia
Like many political campaigns, the presidential election depicted last night on "The West Wing" on NBC would have had a different ending had it been held four months ago.The story also discusses the future of the cast members, including President Bartlet (Martin Sheen), who plans to enroll in college at The National University of Ireland in Galway.
But the reversal of fortune for Matt Santos — the Democratic nominee, played by Jimmy Smits, who was the victor — had nothing to do with any shift in opinion among voters.
Instead, Lawrence O'Donnell, an executive producer of the show, said he and his fellow writers had declared Santos the winner only after the death, in mid-December, of John Spencer, who portrayed Santos's running mate, Leo McGarry. At the time of Mr. Spencer's death, the plot for last night's episode had been set: the election was to be won by Alan Alda's Arnold Vinick, a maverick Republican (modeled a bit on Senator John McCain), whom many Democrats (including the Democrats who write the show) could learn to love.
A large studio feature film starring Tom Hanks (also producer) is interested in finding a mansion/estate locally to shoot at this fall, likely October/November. Scenes take place primarily around the swimming pool and sounds like only a few days of filming. The property should have pretty large grounds and the house they want is VERY elegant and traditional in style. The film is set in the early '80s. Please respond via e-mail with suggestions, including contact information if all possible. We appreciate all leads but particularly those that have already expressed an interest in allowing filming. 214.571.1050 - www.filmdfw.com