Thursday, August 24, 2006

New results for stem cells

Two new announcements were made today regarding stem cell research.
Japanese scientists announced they've been able to make adult stem cells respond more like embryonic stem cells.
American scientists announced they've been able to take cells from embryonic stem cells without harming the embryo.
Japanese researchers have modified stem cells from adult mice into cells that have the promising characteristics of embryonic stem cells, according to research published in Thursday's issue of the journal Cell.
The announcement is the second development this week that could help scientists overcome objections to controversial research on embryonic stem cells. Embryonic stem cell research has been lauded by scientists for its potential to find cures for debilitating diseases, but critics of the technique say it essentially kills a human life because scientists must destroy an embryo to create the cells.
I still say lets fund more research with adult stem cells, but the new research with American scientists looks promising as well.

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