Sunday, September 25, 2005

Facebook is not just an addiction--it's a disease

While trying to figure out what all the fuss about was, I found this news story linked to on their site. It's interesting because to me, it's knockin' the service, but I guess even bad publicity can still be good publicity.

So here is what I say to you all of you who sit at your computers and check away messages and stalk the guy you saw at Hokie Grill once — stop living like this. I’m convinced that we could fritter our whole lives sitting in front of the computer screen. What we need to do is ask ourselves this question: “What will happen when all of my buddies are away, or when the Internet connection cuts short.” We need to face it and realize that life doesn’t happen on a computer screen, that having 202 friends on Facebook doesn’t make you cool.

BTW: I'll give a better update on this weekend probably sometime on Monday (during normal daylight hours).
I'm pretty pooped and just wanted to check email and a couple blogs before heading to bed.
So now that that's done - I'm off to bed.

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