Wednesday, September 14, 2005

The Blame Game

Boy, this is an easy game to play. Especially when 90-percent of your company works in another office.
But, we've adopted a no-blame-policy here in our office that is starting to become effective. I think.
"The Blame Game Stops Here" is the 2nd office slogan I'm preaching.
I feel a bit like one of those feel good motivational speakers, but I'd rather do that than bad mouth others who can't be there to defend themselves.
And here's an interesting scripture on the topic of work...
But those who do right will continue to do right, and those whose hands are not dirty with sin will grow stronger -- Job 17:9
Max Lucado asked, what if someone were to do a documentary of just your hands?
Ouch. Would my hands be shown giving or taking? Working or resting? Pointing a finger in blame, or pointing a finger back and me and taking responsibility?
Props to Bush yesterday for taking blame. I know he hated to admit failure, but it needed to be done.
In leadership roles, it may not be your total fault, but you have to take responsibility for those under you.
He may have saved his presidency by doing just that.
Oh and "Brownie - you're doing a heck of a job." HA

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