Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Annoying RSS Reader

Well, the press called - wait - no they didnt. I waited till 6:40 and finally called them, after they said they'd call me in 10 minutes at 6:03.
So I've caught up on some of my blog reading - then there's the podcasting. I should really listen to those more often, but at work I need music to keep me going, not more gibber jabber.
I'm in a funny mood tonight. Maybe it has to do with my paper being belittled by my publisher and thinking I wasn't concerned about the print costs and other things it takes to put a newspaper out. Anyways, I believe it't time to head home.
I think I'll bring my laptop home with me for a change. I think I'm in the mood for more blog reading, research and a glass of wine - or maybe scotch. Hmmm.
Oh - about my title. I use RSS Reader 1.0 to read my blogs. I like its cause its free. But one thing I've noticed is that it constantly grabs old blog entries, that I've already read and downloads them and then flags them as new. What gives?
Any ideas? Maybe I should just wise up and buy a reader rather than trust one that's given away for free.
I'll keep you posted - Maybe.
Until next time -- I'll see you on the flip side.

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