The planners hope to cut down on fuel costs and help improve child obesity problems as well.
It's really a no-brainer when you see how well this program works," one parent coordinator says, citing almost doubled participation.In other related transportation news, the DMN ran an article today in the Metro section about the increase in scooter sales.
It can get 80 mpg, costs dimes a day to insure and draws stares almost anywhere you drive it.I think I would need something that got more that 40 MPH to make my 3 mile treck to work. I wouldn't mind going 40 MPH, but the drivers along Highway 77 might not be too happy with me. But in anycase - if anyone wants to donate one to the cause, I'll be glad to put it to use.
So why aren't we all speeding to the dealership to get one?
Well, some people are, but only those who don't mind rolling into the office on a motor scooter.
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