Monday, June 26, 2006

What doubts do you have?

Ok. I have a question for the day/week. But here's the rules: 1. Leave your comments anonymously. 2. You can respond to comments, but do not judge or condemn anyone for their thoughts.
With that said, here's the question of the day/week.

What doubts/questions do you have about God?

Remember post your comments/thoughts anonymously. And I will be checking them and deleting anything that goes against the rules.


Anonymous said...

Will only those who say a "sinner's prayer" enter into heaven. Or can people have a conversion experience without saying "the prayer" and enter heaven?

Anonymous said...

I have doubts that God has a subjective view of humanity, rather than an objective curiosity fueled by hopes and expectations.

Anonymous said...

The bible states nowhere that you must say a prayer to get into heaven. You must, however, believe that Jesus died for your sins and that he is the son of God and then repent of your sins and live your life for him. When christians live by the word and meditate on it daily, Christ will make their paths straight. Many churches have tried to argue that their doctrine is the only correct one-when in reality the only correct doctrine is the Bible. It is the only word of God and with it, one will not be led astray. Do we as humans question God-of course we do. But we must remember that God is omni-potent, omni-present, sufficient and all knowing. Do you or I posess any of these characteristics? I know that I do not.

Anonymous said...

What is worse in God's eyes?
Hypocrisy or belief without action?

Anonymous said...

How can schools kick God out of their lives and then when something tragic happens blame God? If you kicked him out, why are you asking where he went?

Anonymous said...

Do you really think God just got up and left public schools?