Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Joe Barton, R-Ennis votes against voters

Joe Barton, R-Ennis, and five other GOP congressmen from Texas voted against the Voter Rights Act. Capital Annex gives a rundown of what this vote and votes for/against the ammendments mean:
It should give Republicans no small amout of amusement that Chet Edwards (D-Waco)—the Congressman for the President’s home in Crawford, deemed as “liberal” and “out of touch” and unworthy of being the Congressman for the President’s home congressional district by Republicans—was actually in harmony with the President’s wishes on this—as did every other Democrat from this state.
It was the Texas Republicans who were against their president, the mainstream, and convention when they cast their “yes” votes for those four amendments and when six of their colleagues cast “no” votes on final passage.
Mark yesterday, July 13, 2006 on your calanders and in your memories: it is the day the Republican Congressmen from Texas lost their credibility and sailed so far out of the mainstream they ended up in the middle of the ocean.
It's things like this that make me wonder why I'm registered as a Republican.

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